Less is more

What do the phrase “Less is more” and chairs have in common? Both emphasize functionality, simplicity, and aesthetics. Sit Happens is a microsite that proves chairs are more than just pieces of furniture. A place where design meets comfort. A seemingly ordinary object like a chair is, in fact, a masterpiece that carries stories of comfort, functionality, and design genius. They are the perfect example of how the philosophy of “less is more” has influenced design – practical, beautiful, and reduced to what truly matters.
Link for prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/86tDifLfsMESLt6avnXWkw/Untitled?node-id=2-2&t=nZqQ2pyHJjvGnXvA-0&scaling=contain&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1


Simona Kotuľová

Ateliér Digitální design