
On the subject of touch, I decided to make a set of glasses with fingerprints that depict touch. I wanted to emphasize the physical contact between me and the glass. Where I touch her, my fingerprint remains. I also thought about social and emotional bonds, and how touch affects our perception. And that is the reason why I decided on three decors.

The first decor is characterized by a single fingerprint, which is larger and at the same time subtle and goes almost to the lost. It characterizes a group of people who do haven’t such a great need to touch each other, or who feel uncomfortable with other people’s touches. This condition occurs when shaking hands or when touching each other. The imprint is larger in size because people attach more sentimental and emotional value to them

The second decor is characterized by five fingerprints, which are placed in real size as we would hold a glass. It characterizes mutually positive emotions that keep people close. Friends, family, distant relatives belong to this group of people.

The third decor is characterized by more than five fingerprints. It characterizes the more positive emotional sensations that we require. It is a stronger emotional bond between a mother and a newborn who requires touch, or in a partnership. Fingerprints represent the function of a particular contact.

I wanted to design a minimalist and clean glass design.


Kristýna Kroulová

Ateliér Design skla