AREALMS is a modern concept of a children’s toy and educational tool that uses the principles of augmented reality. It is a modular platform that allows to display different AR experiences. The entire design is designed with the environment in mind, using environmentally degradable materials. In addition, the platform is intended to be open source and any customer can make it at home using a 3D printer and commonly available electronic components.

The open source system also allows for gradual expansion, both in terms of physical components and AR experiences in the form of newly designed applications. The contents of the box form the foundation needed to launch the first augmented reality experience with this platform. A tablet or mobile phone with the AREALMS app installed is required to run the entire system. In this application, there is a first game, namely a simulation of a world that the user can build himself from game pieces, each representing a specific biome. This game world can then be planted with trees and plants, and the user can observe how each plant will grow in that biome.


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