A travelling trophy for the winner of the Great Moravian League in speed canoeing.
The aim was to design a trophy that refers to the sport – canoeing. As it is a water sport the inspiration was water, more precisely the moment when sunlight or a drop of water hits the water surface.

A total of three variants were created.

Option 1
The trophy is composed of several parts – plate glass, plinth. The individual panes follow the curve created by the reflection of the beam on the water surface. This curve is achieved by the technique of fused glass. The individual panes of glass are then cast into a concrete or resin base, which serves as a place to place the names of the winners.
Basic dimensions:
wide 150mm
base height 80mm
total height 380mm

Option 2
Based on the first option. For greater dynamics, the top of the plate glass is also cut here (the curve of the cut is again based on the reflection of light on the water surface).
Basic dimensions:
wide 150mm
base height 80mm
overall height 380mm

Option 3
Inspired by the impact of a drop of water on the surface. It can be described as more typical as it can be filled with liquid like a classic winning cup. The bottom part is again designed for placing the names of the winners.
Basic dimensions:
width 350mm
height 210mm


Kateřina Johanka Krahulíková

Ateliér Průmyslový design