I named this whole diploma collection “Luna” (Moon in Italian). It consists of two pairs of shoes and two accessories in the form of handbags. The circle that connects the collection signifies simplicity, unity, balance and beauty.

Primo is one of two pairs of shoes in this collection and means first in Italian. I decided to label this pair of women’s party shoes as such, because in the lunar phases the first quarter is designated as “Primo quarto” and is therefore the opposite of the next phase (the second pair). This phrase refers to the period of growing up in Czech, when half of the Moon shines.

Ultimo is the second pair of shoes from the collection. Ultimo means last in Italian, and the reason for naming this pair of pumps this way has basically already been described. This is the last quarter of the lunar phase, when the Moon in Czech so-called retreats and “shines” at this time again exactly halfway, but in the opposite direction.

Pieno is the first handbag and at the same time the first created product from the entire collection. “Pieno” means full, and in Italian, “Luna piena” means full moon. I chose this name because the TON circle, which forms the basic shape, is full – full, and in addition to the holding part, it is also completely surrounded by the leather body of the bag.
Its front part is convex to accommodate more things. In contrast, the back part is flat so that the space does not get in the way when worn, for example, along the body. The visual aspect and importance of circles is further supported by its individual parts, which are created with the help of circles. At the same time, another shape, for example angular, would disrupt the simplicity of the overall morphology.

Calanto is the name of the second handbag of this diploma collection. The word comes from Italian and means waning. Hence “Luna calante” in Italian. This indicates the phase when the moon is waning – the so-called retrograde.
As already mentioned, this handbag is symmetrical compared to the previous one and is more of a smaller bag for various social events, where a woman does not need to have her classic handbag with her, in which everything fits. Such as Pieno, for example.

The construction of this Calanto is also composed of a TON circle, but compared to the previous bag, it is ⅘ of its circumference and also has a more sophisticated closing method. It is a waterproof zipper, which is very aesthetic and practical. At the same time, this component is slightly embedded in the volume of the handbag to achieve greater elegance, better morphology and higher security.

The moon is something that always exites me in the evening sky. It’s from Earth to the naked eye also a perfect circle, but at a closer look we find out that he is not perfect either. It has many craters in it
from how all the things from the universe bump into it.The names of the individual products of this collection are specific moon phases that visually match the products.