

The task of our semester work was to create a composition on the topic of bridging. I picked the topic by looking for a bridge between the real and the virtual world.

Almost all of us find ourselves daily in a virtual world looking at screens, which for me means dematerialization from real life. I tried to depict this process of dematerialization in my work, which I called after evaporation, that is, sublimation – the title SUBLIMATION.

By evaporation, we can represent the transformation from a solid state to only gas, which can be seen but not graspable. I tried to catch this transformation in my model.

The shape and appearance is created by a gradual decrease from matter, similar to what sublimation represents to us. A solid body “bridges” into gas. While the bottom is held by solid iron, the material is gradually dematerialized and on top we will see only transparent plastic. The height and overall verticality of the composition enhances the impression of evaporation.



Dominika Jarošová

Ateliér Tvorba Prostoru