The exhibition depicts the literary structure of every fairy tale. Visitors become the heroes of their own story and must overcome the evil and difficulties of fairy tales. Each part of the story is set in an environment that is typical of the setting for stories. The entire exhibition is divided into 4 parts – the town-introduction, the forest-twist, the mountains-overcoming and the castle-ending, with each part being visually and emotionally made differently.

Town – introduction
The first part is conceived as a town made up of glass display cases, pedestals and interactive display cases that simulate city blocks and create communication corridors. On the left side, the panels feature graphics depicting the village that gradually transitions into a town. On the right side, there is a dividing center of hanging textile panels – a forest, as a reminder that evil is always present, we just haven’t encountered it in person jet. The impression of the town is underlined by the soundtrack of town noise – passing carriages, people walking or the cooing of pigeons.

Forrest – twist
From the town, visitors crosses into the forest. Visually, the forest is a dark, impassable place. Visitors find themself in a labyrinth of suspended strips, between which they search for a way out. A strong element is the lighting of this part, which is made only by spotlights aimed at the interactive element. The rest is in dimness to darkness. The atmosphere is enhanced by the sounds of the forest, such as rustling, cracking or howling.

Mountains – overcoming
The mountains are made by climbing over step-like obstacles. Some steps allow a glimpse into other parts of the exhibition, which can act as a reflection of what visitors were and who they will become when they overcome the mountains. The higher visitors get, the lower the hanging textile strips descend, creating the illusion of clouds at the mountain peaks. The whole atmosphere is underlined by the sounds of the wind blowing and the singing of birds in the clouds.

Castle – ending
Visitors reach the castle over the mountains, the highest point of which is a step with a throne, where they can sit as the hero of his story. Behind the throne there is a view of the beginning of the exhibition, which reveals a hidden detail. From the platform they descend the stairs into a space bathed in sunlight. The whole environment then feels warm, welcoming and peaceful, because at the end everything is resolved and all that awaits us is rest before the next adventure. The panelling is done in warm shades of yellow, orange and red. Visitors can relax on beanbags or cushions, or they can read a story that interests them from books from the bookcase.