The diploma thesis on the topic World of art and literature for children and youth maps the work of artists, illustrators, curators, lecturers who focus on the creation of picture books about art intended primarily for children’s readers. It deals with both the historical development of these books within Czech literature, as well as contemporary work, which is processed in the form of interviews with the creators of these books.

In my work, I set myself the goal of affecting the visual style and main typological circles of contemporary children’s literature about art, artists and art practice from the point of view of contemporary artistic discourse. I describe interdisciplinary cooperation, overlaps in creative fields and the use of publications to support the education of children and youth. Art books for children help children to form their relationship to art and culture, develop creativity, personality and aesthetic perception, but at the same time they can entertain them.

In the practical part of my diploma thesis, I decided to propose a concept of a worksheet that, in a fun and playful way, activates children, teachers or parents to visit a cultural institution, and can also serve as an invitation to the Moravian Gallery in Brno. The worksheet I created is loosely inspired by art books for children.

The aim of the worksheet is to familiarize preschool children with art and gallery operations. The worksheet was practically tested as part of my “Hooray for the Gallery” project, which is part of the diploma thesis.