Alpha Generation

App Family

Generation Alpha, or the generation that has already been born into the digital age. The aim of this project was to engage the generation in question while dealing with the fact that they spend most of their time on the internet. Nowadays, children often forget what they are supposed to be doing (whether it’s schoolwork or homework), they are distracted by their phones and busy with the online world. So we should use their technology to help them use it more usefully.As a result of this work, we are collaborating on an app called Family. I created a section that is designed for the child. In this part, I focused on the child’s side and designed an environment that they can navigate and work with.

In the app, the child can find an overview (for example, if a parent is at work), a shared calendar in which he can plan trips or events together with the whole family. But the main goal is the so-called task book, in which the child sets what to do that day, or the parent suggests a task (e.g. clean up the dishes). The child can add not only the tasks themselves, but also the bulletin boards and add a time/date of completion to each task so they can receive reminders. In the app itself, the child can contact the parents immediately, there is also a chat for this.

The aim of the app is not to cut the child off from communication with the parent, quite the opposite. The child should be able to communicate with the parent more easily, and through joint activities and planning they should spend more quality time together.


Lucie Lacková

Ateliér Digitální design