Hail Mary

Hail Mary is inspired by one of the most famous writers of the Romantic period, Mary Shelley. Her wild and tragic life story became the basis of the work. Divided into three parts – daughter, lover and mother – it becomes a stereotype that any woman can identify with, but also a reflection of the author on her own role in life.

The naive daughter wears a coat reminiscent of a warm duvet and comfort of home. The lover is dressed in underwear and although she thinks she is mature, her naivety makes her vulnerable. The mother, on the other hand, has already experienced a lot and her more covered and stylized body bears scars, symbolised by laser patterning.

The element that connects the entire collection is a floral pattern taken from the second-hand fabric used in the first model. In the second model, it is knitted into the material of the dress, and in the third, it is engraved in velvet.


Zuzana Hliněná

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