
My goal was to document the process of tattooing and the creation of identity. The tattoos I have on my body can reveal a lot about me and shape my identity. As part of my work, I decided to capture the motifs during the tattooing process. I am depicting the creation of identity that way. When selecting the motifs, I followed the desires of the tattooed individuals. These motifs have become a permanent part of their identity.

It is fascinating how tattoos hold meaning in shaping our identity. My work involved documenting the entire tattooing process and obtaining impressions of the applied motifs. In doing so, I not only recorded the tattooing process itself but also created a collection that is linked to the formation of people’s identities.

The motifs I tattooed were carefully chosen by the individuals who wanted the tattoos. This means that each motif carries a unique story and significance. My work contributed to shaping the identities of these individuals through tattooing. These tattoos are now an integral part of their identity and will be with them forever.


Matija Jankovič

Ateliér Design skla