
I tried to underestand the theme of the Fabergé egg in its general sense of meaning, as a sturdy shell that hides a valuable object inside. My goal was to create something close to me from this generalized concept of the egg.

In the lamp stand I tried to capture the dynamics of pressure. The pressure of the environment on a person. The pressure to change one as an individual, the effort to adapt him to the “normal” society. It is something we encounter every day. But at the same time it is something that became even stronger in my eyes since i had to move to a new environment.

On the contrary the light is supposed to have the opposite meaning. It is that one valuable object inside the shell. However its exact definition depends on the viewer themselves. For some it can stand for faith, some may call it hope. For me it is will.


Šárka Zikmundová

Ateliér Design skla

Student's works