Home monitoring device for children


As part of the analytical part of my bachelor’s thesis, I used the AI platforms Midjourney, NightCafe and DALL-E 2. The intention was to create a gallery of variants of the proposed product – a home monitoring device for children, which will serve as the main source of inspiration. In total, more than 700 variant solutions were created. Therefore, the main contribution of the work is the streamlining of the design process and the possibility of using unique data for the design of a functional and visually original product.  

Currently, it is becoming a trend to use artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline and improve processes in industrial design. One of the latest in this direction is the use of AI technologies to generate designs and shape solutions in the design analysis process. The use of AI in industrial design brings several advantages. One of the most important is the speed and variety of possibilities that AI offers. Image generation takes only a few seconds, allowing quick and efficient decisions to be made.

Algorithms and neural networks are used to generate unique designs based on a set of user-defined parameters. This process can be used to create new products, optimize existing products, and quickly generate multiple design variations. 

Overall, the use of AI generation technology in the design analysis process has the potential to significantly improve work efficiency. By taking advantage of AI, designers can discover new possibilities and push the boundaries of industrial design perception.


Valeriya Truskavetska

Ateliér Průmyslový design