The Path of Knowledge

The aim of the project was to create a natural prayer room for people who are enchanted by nature and tend to spend countless hours in it.
The spiral does not only represent eternity and infinity, but also a symbol of nature and the planet or a path to one’s own inner self. The journey that visitors take to the centre of the spiral symbolises the path to their heart, where they discover the symbolic apple tree – or tree of knowledge – hiding.
The shape of the spiral is slightly inclined towards the centre, thus imaginatively directing the visitor to the centre. A bench is placed in the middle, around the trunk of the apple tree, to allow the experience of the main event of the spiral to be experienced directly. People sit under the apple tree and contemplate their inner self. At the same time, the elevation of the spiral gives a sense of privacy and security.


Adéla Nováková

Ateliér Tvorba Prostoru