Verona wedding studio redesign

The assignment of semester papers was the redesign of the wedding studio Verona. The owner wanted to modify the layout and overall appearance so that the space was functional, presentable and seemed clean.
I divided the studio into three imaginary parts, exhibition, storage and useful space.
That’s why I separated the space by the entrance door from the rest with rotating slats. I wanted to create a representative exhibition space that welcomes the client and only then reveals the rest of the studio.
A storage space in the form of a steel rod bent into an organic shape is hidden behind the slats. Here the bride and her entourage can view the dress. The hanger is seamlessly connected to the test booth, which is accessible from both sides. The bride can thus choose a dress, change in the booth and go out the other side directly to the mirror and thus reach the last zone.
I conceived the third zone as a place for the escort and the bride, but also as an exhibition space. That’s why I placed here several mannequins with selected dresses, which I supplemented with crowns and underwear.
The entire studio is tuned to organic shapes and natural colors that let the white wedding dress resonate.


Kateřina Kalinová

Ateliér Tvorba Prostoru