36 Days of Type

10th Edition

36 Days of Type is a worlwide graphic and motion design challenge kicked off by the Treintayseis studio from Barcelona, where thousands of designers dare themselves to create one letter or a numeral of the basic latin script every day for 36 days in a row without a miss. 26 letters and 10 numerals in total.
This year I challenged myself to join — and finish the whole set. My only rules were:
1. I can’t plan into future for more than a day
2. I can’t set myself a common theme beforehand, it has to be organic and evolving.

With this in mind, I managed to create a full set of numbers and letters just for your viewing pleasure. Most of the letters are animated, so I strongly reccoment also checking out a QR code present on the next page, so you can see the whole experience.

You’re on your way now. Good luck!

36 Days of Type Compilation

Howdy fellow traveller. I hope that your journey trough time was a success! It was a pleasure to meet you here. Any time you want to visit again, you know where to find me.

Yours sincerely,
Dalibor Itze — June 2023


Dalibor Itze

Ateliér Digitální design