Redesign Acredité

Acredité company owns the Edflix platform. For this website, connecting education on Edflix with professional testing in the financial sector, I designed a layout that respects the visual style of Edflix. I utilized the color orange to better complement the main red color of Edflix. The visual content was created using 3D glass models with dispersion effects. Additionally, I revamped the company’s vector icons, transforming them into realistic 3D glass models. With the aim of establishing a credible and organic appearance for the platform, I actively promote Edflix, offering the option to register for professional tests through the website. I also designed a webpage featuring the organization’s internal documents.

The primary goal was to ensure that the website exudes style and credibility while remaining compact, allowing users to perform various active functions. In other words, the website serves not only as a business card but also provides specific functionality.

Desktop prototype

Mobile prototype


Mariia Biriuchkova

Ateliér Digitální design