Visual identity of the Czech state administration

Within the Identity project I focused on the creation of a visual identity of the Czech state administration. My main focus was to transform the state emblem into a more modern form. By gradually simplifying and updating it, I created a new version that better matched current aesthetic and graphic trends. For the typography I chose a font from the Czech studio Displaay, whose founder is Martin Vácha. Specifically, I used a heel-less font called Jokker with a raised x-height, which is ideal for a variety of sizes and purposes and was therefore the obvious choice. In doing so, I combined a modernised piece of Czech history with a contemporary element of typography. For the colours I took inspiration from the colours of the Czech flag, especially blue. This thematic choice complemented the overall impression and emphasised the national identity in the visual expression of the report.


Lucie Lacková

Ateliér Digitální design