Smoke Talk: Anti-Smoke VR-Game Concept

Be a Doctor

In this game, you take on the role of a doctor and help various patients overcome their addiction to smoking.

See Patients

The gameplay takes place in a small procedural office.
The game begins with seeing a patient. You will be able to see up to three patients per day. Working with patients will take no more than 15–20 minutes.

Talk to Patients

Each patient has their own story that you will need to listen to and ask questions about. For example, you might ask when the patient started smoking, if they tried to quit, what they did, and why they were unsuccessful.

Help Patients

During the conversation, the patient may begin to feel stressed or anxious, which might make them want to smoke to calm down. The player needs to help the patient by offering an alternative to a cigarette.

For example, in the game, you can give patients nicotine gum, patches, or nasal sprays. You’ll need to listen carefully to patients. For instance, a patient might say they’ve already tried using nicotine patches and that they cause an allergic reaction.


Helping patients increases the player’s karma. Oh, I forgot to mention that we’re not playing as an ordinary doctor. We have a superpower that we can use once our karma reaches a certain threshold.

The superpower allows us to treat patients with lung cancer. We can enter their bodies with our hands and remove the affected areas.


Everything I mentioned can be done using VR controllers, such as choosing which questions to ask, what tools to use, and how to treat the patient.

Gameplay Demo


Timur Anarkulov

Ateliér Game Design