Wheels and Guns is a Playstation 1 stylized racing and shooting game inspired by classics like Carmageddon, Flatout 2 and Twisted Metal.
In the production a free racing template was used as a base.
New world terrain was generated in Gaea and exported to Unity as heightmap
Splatmaps was also generated in Gaea to automatically fill the terrain with textures
New cubemap-skybox + fog + skydome with animated clouds shader + post-processing global volume =
And of course I had to add some particles to make sand-storm effect
It was time to create my own car model

It took me about 8 hours to model, unwrap, texture and rig that baby and it was my first time to make a texture using mostly real car photos
To bring PS1 graphic limitations to the game I used special shaders
Waypoints was used to control AI cars
And some UI rework was made too
Next step was to make opponents hate the player so I decided to program Derby mode where instead of racing you have to survive. Next couple of month I was working on the following mechanics:

As cherry on the cake I found and added some free music and made an animated intro that happens before player enters main menu and here how it looks:
Also I really liked the idea of split-screen our mentor Pavel Novák gave me, so next week I spent implementing it: