Interpersonales tetigerit

Final thesis on the topic of touch.

My work is a reminder of a kind of imaginary time milestone for the covid-19 pandemic. In the form of a glass sheet with an opening at the height of the arm. Which symbolizes the barrier – the distance ordered by the government. And at the same time the effort for understanding and empathy through the mediation of a handshake. Because touching was just forbidden.

I want my work to be perceived as a mental barrier and an appeal to the conscience of every individual. It was and is up to each of us whether we will bypass this barrier. Just as we could bypass and ignore the government regulations and recommendations of doctors and scientists. Or if we will find enough humility for all the victims and volunteers whose health this pandemic has irreversibly damaged or taken their life.


Zuzana Škorpíková

Ateliér Design skla