100 Years with Innovations – Czech Radio

Český rozhlas si už dávno nepustíte len v rádiu. Je to inštitúcia, ktorá napriek jej dlhej a pestrej histórii neustále kráča s dobou, analyzuje trendy a potreby svojich poslucháčov, vďaka čomu prináša moderné audio formáty pre You don’t You no longer have to listen to Czech Radio only on the radio. It is an institution that, despite its long and checkered history, has always moved with the times, analyzing trends and the needs of its listeners and making modern audio formats accessible to all generations. So I think the anniversary event should not only be used to showcase the past, but also provide a space to connect with the present and create a space to showcase the most modern things this institution has to offer. Therefore, in my “100 Years with Innovations” project, I decided to develop the concept of an interactive website aimed at summarizing all the innovations that this radio currently offers and wants to offer (data and information from the document Strategy 27 for the digital age).

The interactive website „100 Years of Innovations“ gives users the chance to find themselves for a while at the heart of Czech Radio, its fictional broadcasting rooms, each of which showcases the innovations that radio brings. The rooms are carefully colored in various colors according to the radio’s graphic manual, and together with the music and suspended objects try to best express the overall innovation. The actual architecture of these rooms was inspired by the atypical formal solutions typical of real Czech Radio studios. While digital spaces may not match real world parameters, my goal is to keep my space designs grounded and as close to the real world as possible. I chose it mainly because Czech Radio is one of the most trusted media agencies in the Czech Republic, and this trust should be reflected in the visual design form of the room itself, as well as in the user interface.

Try out the demo


UžívUsers also have the opportunity to learn more about an individual innovation by opening its details. Inside this detail is a graphic text that introduces the innovation in an interesting graphical way. An audio version is also included at the beginning of the details for users to listen to.


Adrián Gubrica

Ateliér Digitální design