5 Principles of Functionalism

5 Principles of Functionalism was created as a microsite within the free assignment, where I wanted to improve my knowledge of the javascript library Three.js. During the creation of the project, I have improved myself in working with the camera, lighting of the scene, outlining objects, in interactivity within the 3D environment and in the creation, and optimization of the 3D objects themselves (in Blender). I also tried working with the React library, and retrieving content from the WordPress content management system through REST API.

The microsite itself is made to present 5 principles of functionalism, designed by the world-famous architect Le Corbusier. His building Villa Savoy is used to illustrate them. The site’s UI is inspired by graphic designer Jan Tschichold, who was a key figure at the time in his field.

Link (desktop only)


Adrián Gubrica

Ateliér Digitální design