ADD/ADE Catalogue

Creating a catalog that serves as a presentation of the Digital Design and Product Design studio. The goal was to prioritize the actual works over the design of the catalog itself.

For the cover, I used various textures that evoke the character of each studio. A square with different line graphics symbolizes the “Rectangle Tool”, while in another case, it represents a drawing of a cube in perspective. Colors for Digital Design are cool and screen-like, while for Product Design they are warm and tangible.

On the first page of the catalog, key information about each studio is provided, including the studio’s focus, the name of the head, and contacts, including links to social media.

Overall, the catalog includes a brief project description in English and Czech, information about the creator and the course on which the project was created, which category the project belongs to, and a QR code for access to a video or website.


Ulyana Vasilevich

Ateliér Digitální design