Coloring book for Ukraine

The assignment of the dissertation was a free elaboration of the topic, the war began on Thursday morning, in response to the current Ukrainian-Russian conflict in Ukraine. I knew from the beginning that I would not want to focus on the war as such, but rather on the form of help that I, as a designer, could provide.

When moving between Ukrainians who inadvertently found themselves in Slovakia, I often met mothers and children, they found themselves in detention centers from where, after sleeping and orienting themselves, they either headed the way further or were looking for housing and work, which was helped by a number of volunteers and officials. The children in the center mostly had nothing to do, so my attention turned to them. Since the form of processing the assignment was entirely up to us, I chose the processing of illustrations and created a series of coloring books with Ukrainian-Slovak basic phrases as an educational tool.

In a playful way, children learn some of the basic phrases and at the same time have fun for a while. The coloring books could also be used for Slovak children who would learn a few Ukrainian phrases so that they could have a conversation with the children who come to them at school. They are designed for children from 6 years and up.


Terézia Križanová

Ateliér Digitální design