Currently, 90% of electric vehicle (EV) owners live in a family home*. Charging your car from the comfort of your home is a great benefit that can make life with an EV much easier. But what about the remaining 10% who don’t have this benefit? How can ŠKODA help increase this percentage, for example through better digital means in its ecosystem? I decided to address this question after identifying this issue in my research focusing on the current challenges of EV ownership.
As part of my solution, I decided to design a set of functionalities that would enhance ŠKODA’s current app with features that would make life easier for EV owners without a family home. The first functionality is dedicated to linking routine vehicle usage with smart charging scheduling, and the second to linking destinations and charging stations. Both functionalities are depicted in a fictional user interface that is inspired by ŠKODA’s new brand identity.
I would like to extend the project further with features such as help with maintaining a healthy battery, smart notifications for charging, integration into the in-car screen or quick help for charging.