Dating app for the disabled

This project focuses on designing and implementing UX/UI design for a dating web application aimed at people with disabilities. The goal was to create an accessible and intuitive design that reflects the needs of users with physical and mental disabilities. Preparation included research into the field of online dating, digital accessibility, and analysis of existing applications and competing platforms. A new brand and brand communication was put together, including setting the tone of voice, logo design, colour palette and fonts, which are included in the brand manual. An interactive prototype was also developed and tested, this was preceded by design techniques such as How Might We questions, persona creation, site mapping, user workflow, prioritization of functionality through MoSCoW and prioritization matrix, design of simple wireframes and then building a library of components along with a design kit. The prototype was built in Figma, with a particular focus on accessibility. Its success was evaluated on a target group through interviews.

Thus, the new brand Mingly was created, which emphasizes awareness and natural involvement of disabled users. The app is not only a dating site, but also a community space where users can discuss various topics, educate themselves, or ask a dating expert for help or advice. A monetization model, specifically membership packages, was created to make the product financially self-sufficient. Mechanisms to increase security were also introduced, aiming to reduce fake accounts and potential fraud.


Veronika Hniličková

Ateliér Digitální design